I am offcially going by "Miss Troutt" now, and am to begin considering myself teacher instead of student. I have started the actual preparation for becoming a teacher and am really excited [and totally overwhelmed and nervous and semi-freaking out] about it. There are so many things you have to know and do and practice and learn and yadiyadiyada, but this semester is apparently the busiest of the three [only three more counting this one yayyyy!!!!] and I am definitely looking forward to Christmas break already... Busy work is not for me, but I am trying to remember that the things we are learning are key skills and techniques that will form the base for my real teaching career, and to take advantage of the opportuinties to plan and practice and build upon/learn from the feedback I can get from my peers and the professors we have to work with at K-State. It's crazy, and I feel old, and I should just go ahead and iron my dress pants and start wearing them everyday.
Oh speaking of dress pants, I have been trying to get better at either a) wearing my hair down and/or fixed more often, or b) snazzing up the ol ponytail. Ok because here's the thing: I am definitely not going to be able to transition from ponytails and wet messy buns [still ponytails, I realize] to "grown-up, professional" hair overnight. We are not allowed to wear caps [or show two other c-words] in our Block classes, as well as we have to dress professionally for a number of different classroom activities this semester, and thus I am just assuming the ponytail talk will be next. Anyway, hopefully by that time my hair will be really great looking without much effort and will have stopped reacting SO unattractively to the humidity. I'm not seeing that happening, as it has been almost 23 years and is still looking just about the same as always, thank goodness though for the two lovely inventions of the flat iron and anti-humidity hairspray [thank goodness for those two things!].
So much to say! I am getting the hardware [as they like to refer to the plate and screws] removed from my elbow in a couple weeks. They say it is an out-patient surgery, should only take the doctor thirty minutes or so while I'm under a general anesthesia and the recovery should be quick. Hopefully these predictions come true! [See six-day stay in the hospital ending Christmas Eve. Not supposed to be six days.] I hate hospitals and surgery and hope and pray desperately to never again have to spend much time with such things. September 18th, 9:00am. Hopefully the culmination of the longest year ever.
Speaking of the best eleven months of my whole life thus far, Nick and I just celebrated our eleventh month of dating yesterday! He is just the best thing ever to happen in my life and I am so lucky and blessed to have him as a part of it. He is so great to me and has made me so happy despite the wild and crazy roller coaster of a year it has been. Bestboyfriendever.com [ilovehim]
Nick's grandpa's 90th birthday party in Lincoln this weekend, then Owasso next weekend! Busiest semester ever. Best life ever. Love love love love love.
"In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven."
"We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God."